Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club
Don't be shy! Join in the fun by registering to post on the forum, and to get full benefits you can buy 12 months club membership for just £20! Membership includes a quarterly club magazine, discounts with insurance companies and specialist suppliers, exclusive, early or discounted access to a number of events each year and much more!
Available Subscriptions
Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club
The Committee would like to congratulate Heritage Insurance on their 60th Anniversary in 2025
It's not just shows though, our active area secretaries and members regularly arrange run outs and longer trips to such places as Le Mans, Wales and Scotland, plus the annual club camping weekend and the traditional “end of season” get together. Keep an eye on the events section of the forum for news and details of upcoming events.
The Club also produces four magazines a year, exclusively for club members, filled with all manner of things club or motoring related, and members can get their own articles published in it as well if they wish.
The Club is an independent organisation, and although we have our roots as the Robin Hood Owners Club and Register (RHOCaR), we are very much a club for all makes and model of kit car, so anyone can be a "Hoody", as it's all about the state of mind, not the car you drive! Being a member of The UK Kit Car Club has many benefits above those already mentioned. Members benefit from discounted insurance with nearly all of the specialist kit car insurers, and often find that the discount is more than the club membership fee. Membership also gets you full access to the forum, and a variety of other discounts such as with Euro Car Parts. You'll also find other members are willing to go well above and beyond for any other member they see is in need of help !
So whether you own a Robin Hood, a GBS Zero, a Locost, an MK, a Westfield, a Caterham, (or any of the many other types of kit car), everyone can benefit from joining, so what are you waiting for ?
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Lincolnshire Meet For Jamuary

Sunday weather is looking OK so I think I will go out for a pub lunch in the kit. Anyone else interested ? I'll wait to see who is coming before I decide where we go
Rotary Cars In The Park 2017 - 1St & 2Nd July Lichfield

Rhocar Membership 2017

Membership to RHOCaR 2016 expired 31st Dec 2016 and costs £15 for the coming year.
(RHOCaR 2016 members can now renew their expired RHOCaR 2016 memberships)
There are two ways you can join/re-join RHOCaR
Traditional form/Cheque (£15)
You will find attached to this post the RHOCaR membership form for 2017 in PDF Format. Please fill in and send with a cheque, payable to RHOCaR, to Kirsty Marsh (Address details on the membership form).
You can upgrade to RHOCaR 2017 by following these links
Online form/Paypal (£16, due to PayPal surcharges)
We offer the ability for you to fill in an online membership form, and pay using the PayPal website (secure). You do not need a PayPal account to do this, just a debit/credit card. Please follow this link to join/re-join RHOCaR via the online membership form. http://www.rhocar.org/member/
Please make sure that these forms are filled out correctly
Loads of benefits to being a member in the members only section of the forum.
For those of you who have already applied for your 2017 Membership, these are currently being processed and your new Membership Cards etc, will be sent out as soon as possible.
Many thanks
Membership Secretary
Rally Events

I'm hoping to have my car finished in the next few months and I've always wanted to do a car rally - the sort of thing where you set off, try to find checkpoints until an end point.
I've seen the London to Brighton run which looks great although not keen on the £95 fee but I can't find any other, smaller events.
Does anyone know of a website that might list them or any other way of finding out about them?
South Yorkshire Meet January

January's meet is at:
Usual time of 7:30 on weds 4th
New Year --New Meets

Hi all, trust you are enjoying your Christmas/New Year Holidays & are busy when time allows preparing your cars for the coming 2017 trips.
To this end please post your ideas for our forth-coming trips/meetings.
What do the members want? Evening meets at local pub -- week-end meets for drink & a meal -- week-end meets which go to different attractions???
More ideas welcomed -- please voice your opinion on what YOU would like to do/where to go in 2017 ------------- it's just around the corner & will soon fly by if we don't plan ahead.
O.K so planning ahead is difficult -- but at least try -- you may be surprised at your inventiveness.
Just to add -- this post was primarily aimed at Hants & Dorset members for suggestions for our monthly meets, although all ideas welcomed as they may help your own area or blossom into a larger meet.
Time flies
North East Area Meeting, Wednesday 28Th December 2016
Is anyone going to the Club Meeting at The Church Mouse, Waldridge, Chester-le-Street. DH2 3RJ,I will be there from 7-30pm hope to see you there. I know it's short notice but Harry and I are going so if anyone would like to join us you will be more than welcome. Alan
Run Out Wednesday 28Th December

Anyone in the Midlands fancy a run out on Wednesday, destination tba depending on who wants to go but thinking of starting around 10AM and just having a leisurely drive out somewhere with a stop somewhere of lunch. and making a bit of a day of it.
Options could be head up to the Peak District or something more more Easterly is the Leics guys fancy it.
Kits optional, bring your tintop if you want.
N.e Meetings

Having been out of the loop for the past 3 months due to shift work, is there any meets planned for over the festive period, I hope so, if not:-
Seasons greetings to all
Members & Friends
Stay safe and have a
Happy, Healthy 2017
Best wishes
Drag Racing At Santa Pod

I've mentioned to a few people that I intend to do some visits to Santa Pod next year, and there have been some positive sounding replies from other people who might be interested. I've been looking at the Santa Pod website and they have various options we could look at, these include:
Single day events: These are 9:30am - 5pm, costs £10 entrance (under 16s are free for those wanting to bring kiddies along to watch) and then £25 sign on fee if you want to go drag racing.
Saturday night specials - These are 2 day events that have drag racing all day both days and go up to 8pm on the saturday night. You also get free camping thrown in for the saturday night. So people could do the whole weekend and camp or just do a single day. Cost wise its the same £10 entrance fee per day, but drag racing costs are slightly different. All day pass 9:30am-8pm is £30, 9:30 to 4:30 is £25 and 5pm-8pm is just £10.
On some dates they an also offer club bookings at no extra cost which gets us our own club area, a meeting room if we want it and reserved tables for lunch which we could look at if we get enough definite attendees.
So, whose up for it? Add your name to the list and once we have an idea of how many people are interested and whether the preference is a full weekend, single day etc I'll sort some dates.
more details are here http://www.rwyb.co.uk/
1) Stuart
2) Dan
3) Keith
4) zach
5) deanrudkin
6) Kevin booth
7) jez
8 ) Kevin the chicken
9) Bob Tucker
10) daveR
11) lotuspaul