Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club
Don't be shy! Join in the fun by registering to post on the forum, and to get full benefits you can buy 12 months club membership for just £20! Membership includes a quarterly club magazine, discounts with insurance companies and specialist suppliers, exclusive, early or discounted access to a number of events each year and much more!
Available Subscriptions
Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club
The Committee would like to congratulate Heritage Insurance on their 60th Anniversary in 2025
It's not just shows though, our active area secretaries and members regularly arrange run outs and longer trips to such places as Le Mans, Wales and Scotland, plus the annual club camping weekend and the traditional “end of season” get together. Keep an eye on the events section of the forum for news and details of upcoming events.
The Club also produces four magazines a year, exclusively for club members, filled with all manner of things club or motoring related, and members can get their own articles published in it as well if they wish.
The Club is an independent organisation, and although we have our roots as the Robin Hood Owners Club and Register (RHOCaR), we are very much a club for all makes and model of kit car, so anyone can be a "Hoody", as it's all about the state of mind, not the car you drive! Being a member of The UK Kit Car Club has many benefits above those already mentioned. Members benefit from discounted insurance with nearly all of the specialist kit car insurers, and often find that the discount is more than the club membership fee. Membership also gets you full access to the forum, and a variety of other discounts such as with Euro Car Parts. You'll also find other members are willing to go well above and beyond for any other member they see is in need of help !
So whether you own a Robin Hood, a GBS Zero, a Locost, an MK, a Westfield, a Caterham, (or any of the many other types of kit car), everyone can benefit from joining, so what are you waiting for ?
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Leicestershire area meet

Leicestershire area meet 15th May
Dog and Gun Keyham. 6.30ish onwards, we had reserved parking last month long the bottom of the carpark.
Castle Bytham Summer Fair

Old timers amonst us will remember we regularly took our cars to this show (easy for me as it is only 3 miles away ). But about 3 years ago a brand new Committee was formed and they didn't show any interest in cars displaying. I have just been contacted by the previous organiser who said they have seen the error of their ways and now wanted cars to display.
It's on Sunday 23rd June (Its actually all weekend but the Saturday is primarily a music festival). The website is https://midsummerfestival.co.uk/ The postcode is NG33 4SB.
It's a real old style village fair and a nice day out.
If anyone fancies going please let me know.
National Kit Car Show, Malvern Showground, 1-2 June 2024

Time is fast approaching. Remember there are now only 2 dedicated kit car shows, this one and Newark. So time to make an effort and come along. The website is at https://www.visitthemalverns.org/event/national-kit-car-show-2/
The parking plan is now available and is shown below. Our Club Stand is right in the middle and similar to last year. We are planning to have the AGM in a room in the exhibition Hall at 15:00 (still to be confirmed). This should allow even the far-flung members to come for the day and still get home before dark.
For the campers the camping area is on the right.
See you all there
Kit car show Three counties Showground.
I missed last year due to a previously booked event, Question is can we arrive on Friday afternoon to camp?. If we can is
there a particular place that we would all congregate at. Can't seem to find a map of the camping area on the organisers site.
Hope that some one can help me out, going down on Friday as travelling from Durham via the M6.
so see you all there.
Regards Allan
East of England meets for May

The East of England team are doing a run out and picnic lunch at Rutland Water on Sunday 12th. If anyone else wants to join us please let me know and I will give you details.
Alternative website address

As our longer serving members will know, the Club started life as the “Robin Hood Owners Club”, and it was later changed to “Robin Hood Owners Club and Register” (RHOCaR). Even I don’t remember the reason for that change, I expect someone can enlighten me. Then a few years ago we could see the membership was shrinking, for the logical reason that no new Robin Hoods were being produced. So we decided to rename ourselves to the “UK Kit Car Club” and welcome owners of any type of kit car.
This has been very successful and we now have members with a wide variety of cars. However, one thing still remains from the old days and that is the forum address of www.rhocar.org. So, looking to the future, we have now registered a new address of www.ukkitcarclub.org. In the future we will migrate everything across to the new address, but meantime it is just an alternative way of accessing the forum. Although there is no real need for you to change, I would encourage everyone to start using the new address in correspondence, advertising or signatures so we can be ready for the move.
Al Richey (Webmaster)
Spring 2024 magazine
Moving forward (slowly) into the "paperless" age, we have just sent out PDF copies of the magazine to all members who were happy to receive it in that format.
This is the first time we have tried it so we expect a few ‘glitches’. I could try telling you that these are deliberate features of the system designed to ensure security, equality and privacy but you wouldn't believe me
If you haven’t received a copy (please check any ‘spam’ folders first) then notify Alan Richey (username alanrichey) and he will send you a copy.
Thanks, Steve
North East Area monthly meeting Tuesday April 30th from 7pm
Looking forward to our monthly meeting at the Church Mouse Chester Moor, DH23RJ all welcome
2024 Club AGM - 1st June
The club’s AGM is planned to take place on Saturday 1st June 2024 at the National Kit Car Show, Three Counties Showground, Malvern at 3pm. We are currently waiting for confirmation of the location of the club stand & the room booking so please keep an eye on the forums for any updates.
The current Committee are having to state their intentions for re-standing or standing down at this year’s AGM as follows:
Standing for re-election
Kerry Allen – Club secretary
Tony Godden - Treasurer
Alan Richey – Membership secretary
Steve Foster – Chairman
Willing to stand aside
Steve Foster - Magazine Editor
Those listed as standing for re-election wish to remain on the Committee and will do so unless someone stands against them and receives a majority vote at the AGM. Those listed as willing to stand aside have expressed they are happy to continue with their role on the Committee but may also be willing to stand aside if a formal nomination for a suitable candidate is received prior to the AGM.
As such, nominations for these positions are encouraged, but not required for the club to continue to operate.
There is also a currently vacant position on the committee for the role of Events Secretary, and a vacant position for the role of Area Secretary for Scotland.
Previous attempts to fill roles at the AGM itself haven’t always been successful so it’s important that we advise everyone of the situation in advance, rather than trying to press gang someone on the day.
I would like to remind everyone that without an events secretary we are currently struggling to arrange or support events and may be unable to do so in the future.
If you are interested in either of the positions and wish to discuss what is involved please contact myself.
Finally, below you will find the instructions for submitting nominations, constitution changes and points for discussion at this year’s AGM.
Commitee Nominations
If you would like to apply for committee positions, you can do so by emailing secretary@rhocar.org
Please use the subject line - "RHOCaR - *Your first name and surname* Nomination"
Then enter the text below in the body of the email, with the relevant information completed:
I (Print name), Membership Number
Offer myself for election to the Committee of RHOCaR, the UK Kit Car Club for the following role(s).
I will / will not be able to attend the AGM.
Nomination supported by Name, Membership Number
Seconded by Name, Membership Number
Please also CC your nominator and seconder into the email if possible. Nominations will be verified using the email addresses registered with the club.
Club Constitution
If you would like to propose any changes to the club’s constitution, to be discussed at the AGM, please do so by by emailing secretary@rhocar.org
Please use the subject line - "RHOCaR Constitution Changes 2024"
Then enter the text below in the body of the email, with the relevant information completed:
I propose the following changes to be made to the constitution/rules of RHOCaR, the UK Kit Car Club.
Proposers name, Membership Number:
I will / will not be able to attend the AGM.
Seconded by Name, Membership Number:
Please CC in the seconder to your proposal if you are able
to do so.
The latest Club Constitution can be found here :
You’ll find it under Club Information on the forums, or just search “Constitution”.
Points for discussion at the AGM
If you would like to raise any points for discussion at the AGM, please do so by by emailing secretary@rhocar.org
Please use the subject line - "RHOCaR 2024AGM"
Then enter the text below in the body of the email, with the relevant information completed:
Points for discussion
I (Print name), Membership Number
wish the following points to be raised for discussion at the RHOCaR, the UK Kit Car Club AGM:
Hopefully the weather will be kind to us this year and we will see a good attendance at Malvern. It would also be nice to see members attending the AGM if they can.
Everyone on the Committee is a volunteer and wants the club to be run for the benefit of its members but we need feedback from you to make that possible.
Come and join in the AGM with us, have your say and tell us what you think.
See you there,
Stilton Cheese Run 2024

What a glorious day out that was. Just got back from the Annual Stilton Cheese Run. For those who didn’t know, Stilton Cheese was never made at Stilton, it was made in a village called Hungerton in Leicestershire, some 40 miles West. In the early days the cheese was delivered to Stilton by horse and cart via various small villages to eventually sell it to all the people travelling up from London on the Great North Road (now the A1). As such it became known as Stilton Cheese.
Every year, this is celebrated by inviting classic cars to retrace the route along the country roads. We actually start about a third of the way along the route at Uppingham, which is large enough to host the start. Also, rather than just do the straight line we do a semi-random meander around the Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire and Rutland back roads. And we have a break point about half way at New Lodge Farm on the A43 for coffee, loo stop and a hog roast if you are hungry, before finishing at Stilton. As such the run covers maybe 40-50 miles (In my case getting to the start point and getting back from the end point, via a pub lunch, adds another 60 miles so I have covered almost 110 miles today).
Like most events at the moment it has shrunk from it’s heyday pre-pandemic. In previous years they had to limit the turnout to 300 cars. This year they managed to get only150. Having said that there where lots of very interesting cars and I have added a few photos. Similarly I remember the Club submitting 12-15 entries, this year it was just the 3 of us (with 2 wives). A pity, but nevertheless, very enjoyable for all concerned. The weather was perfect, the cars were running beautifully and the roads were narrow and windy
Here's the important cars:

and here's a small selection of some others