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  • Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club

    Don't be shy! Join in the fun by registering to post on the forum, and to get full benefits you can buy 12 months club membership for just £20!  Membership includes a quarterly club magazine, discounts with insurance companies and specialist suppliers,  exclusive, early or discounted access to a number of events each year and much more!

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  • Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club

    Heritage logo

    The Committee would like to congratulate Heritage Insurance on their 60th Anniversary in 2025

    The aim of the club is to help and support members during the build (and inevitable ongoing maintenance and modification) as well as to plan and organise events throughout the year. The Club attends the major kit car shows throughout the year providing a stand with tea and coffee, plus a BBQ with food for members. You'll be warmly received, especially if you bring more food and drink !! We also have stands at many other shows all around the country.

    It's not just shows though, our active area secretaries and members regularly arrange run outs and longer trips to such places as Le Mans, Wales and Scotland, plus the annual club camping weekend and the traditional “end of season” get together. Keep an eye on the events section of the forum for news and details of upcoming events.

    The Club also produces four magazines a year, exclusively for club members, filled with all manner of things club or motoring related, and members can get their own articles published in it as well if they wish.

    The Club is an independent organisation, and although we have our roots as the Robin Hood Owners Club and Register (RHOCaR), we are very much a club for all makes and model of kit car, so anyone can be a "Hoody", as it's all about the state of mind, not the car you drive! Being a member of The UK Kit Car Club has many benefits above those already mentioned. Members benefit from discounted insurance with nearly all of the specialist kit car insurers, and often find that the discount is more than the club membership fee. Membership also gets you full access to the forum, and a variety of other discounts such as with Euro Car Parts. You'll also find other members are willing to go well above and beyond for any other member they see is in need of help !

    So whether you own a Robin Hood, a GBS Zero, a Locost, an MK, a Westfield, a Caterham, (or any of the many other types of kit car), everyone can benefit from joining, so what are you waiting for ?

    Daily Image

    Rhocar Kitcar Meet Huntingdon (Non Members)

    keith kelly
    By keith kelly,

    Hi All,


    Some of you will be aware that Craig (mrinverted) has been arranging an event near Huntington for some time now and has received a good response from members. I have had discussions with Craig to see how the club can assist.


    The Plan remains the same as per Craig's previous post Camping, BBQ and Run Out. I will bring along My PA system to provide a bit of evening entertainment in the barn/Outside if weather is good.


    To ensure that numbers do not get out of hand and to ensure we have enough food/Space to accommodate everyone we have decided to make this a ticketed event.


    A link will be posted here on 27th April 2018 to enable Non Members to join us. Further information will follow.


    To ensure that Craig is not out of pocket for this event a small donation is suggested when attending the event and anything over the costs will be donated to charity (To Be Confirmed) Club Funding will be applied for which will keep costs low and make this and enjoyable event.


    Hope to see you there!


    Keith Kelly (Event Sec) & Craig (mrinverted)



    Ragley Hall Classic Car Show - Monday 28Th May

    David S
    By David S,

    This is a nice show at Ragley Hall near Alcester and might appeal to anyone in the Midlands area. https://www.classicmotorshows.co.uk/ragley-hall


    It is over 2 days on the Sunday and Monday and is a cross section of old, new, kit, modified etc. Complete Kit Car organise the kit car presence on the Monday. It is £10 to get in but if you email Adam Wilkins at CKC, he can pass your details on to Grosvenor Events (the organisers) who will give you a ticket for free. ( I think it is adam@performancepublishing.co.uk )


    I have been for the last couple of years and will be going again this year, possibly with a couple of mates from the WSCC (all weather dependant of course!).

    Confirmation Of Committee Members Standing Down An Nominations Receive

    By theduck,

    At the 2018 AGM the current committee will all stand down, as per the club constitution, and may seek re-election to their current positions. The intentions of the current committee are below:

    Chairman - Richard Marsh - Standing Down

    Secretary - Stuart Thomas - Standing Down
    Treasurer - Rebecca Kelly - Seeking re-election
    Membership Secretary - Kirsty Marsh - Standing Down
    Magazine Editor - Derek Overfield - Standing Down
    Events Secretary - Keith Kelly - Seeking re-election
    Committee Member - Bob Fry - Standing Down

    At this moment in the time, the current nominations (where required) have been received by the Club Secretary

    Chairman - Stuart Thomas
    Secretary - Richard Byrne
    Treasurer - Rebecca Kelly
    Membership Secretary - Bob Fry and Dean Rudkin
    Magazine Editor - Neil Hammond
    Events Secretary - Keith Kelly
    Committee Member - Matthew Brown



    If you would like to stand for any position on the committee, nominations can still be made by post until the 15th April, and by email until 22nd April. Details of how to do so are in this thread - http://www.rhocar.org/index.php?showtopic=46243and in the club magazine.

    Lincolnshire Meet For April

    By alanrichey,

    I know some of us are on the Stilton Cheese Run on Sunday 22th, but if anyone intended to go and hasn't booked it's probably too late.


    So let's look at the 'HorsePower at the Hall' (now changed to 'Gearheads at the Ground') meet on Sunday 15th at the Newark Showground, starting at 12:00, entry fee £2. See https://www.facebook.com/events/935260486630851/. Regular attendees should note that they will be holding only 3 meets this year.


    All weather dependent of course as Summer seems a bit reluctant to come. I'll update this post during the last few days.

    Hants & Dorset Monthly Meet

    By fry61,

    April Meet will be this Sunday the 8th at Haynes Motor Museum in partnership with the boys & girls from Apple County & Kitnet. For us this is a straight run down the A303 ( 50 miles ) shout if coming along & if you wish to meet somewhere on route. Not too early a start as we plan on arriving at Haynes around 09.00/0930.

    Breakfast & natter plus visit the museum if you wish. :clapping:


    Sorry if this is short notice -- have just arrived back from holiday in Scotland. :drinks:

    P.S. Can do an alternative if required --- shorter journey & pub meal maybe?

    Names please if attending/maybes. :search:

    South Yorkshireish Area Meet April

    By Grim,

    April's meet is at:

    Monk's Bridge Farm
    Nobel Way,
    S25 3QB

    Coming eastbound from the M1 J31, take a left at the roundabout by the red lion and proceed for nearly 2 miles, and Monk's bridge is the 4th exit off the next roundabout.

    Usual time of 7:30 on wednesday the 4th



    Drive Out Leicester Monday Evening

    By DeanRudkin,

    Hopefully my car will be on the road weather permitting go out for a drive in the evening about 4:30 - 5 ish just let me know if you about and want to come

    N.e March Meeting

    By Pintogogo,

    Is anyone up at Church Mouse on 28th

    Sausage And Cider Weekend With Camping 21.7.2018

    By Kerry,

    A local cricket club holds a Sausage & Cider weekend held on 21/July 2018 which Rhocar has been invited to.

    The day includes inflatables for children's entertainment , an all day bar and a band in the evening.

    Real ales, ciders and sausages on the BBQ during the evening.

    Tickets for the event cost £6 per person which will include a live band and food from the BBQ

    I have spoken to the organizers and they have agreed to allow us to pitch tents and caravans on site for £10 on Saturday night, or £15 For the Friday + Saturday night / pitch including the use of the showers and toilets both nights. Sorry no hook up available.

    The bar at the cricket club will be open on the Friday evening if we have enough interest.

    We attended this event last year and it was great, so we will be camping both nights.

    I would be happy to plan a run out Saturday morning if anyone is interested.


    I am looking for names and numbers if anyone is interested.


    link for venue below



    Warks / Worcs / West Mids Monthly Meet Wed 28Th March 2018

    By richyb66,

    A bit late posting this one but next Wednesday, 28th March, 7PM onwards, Malt Shovel Pub, Coventry Road, Nr Stonebridge, Coventry, CV7 7HL

    Entrance to the pub car park is off the A452 Chester Road heading North 50 yards from the island.

    See you there

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