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  • Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club

    Don't be shy! Join in the fun by registering to post on the forum, and to get full benefits you can buy 12 months club membership for just £20!  Membership includes a quarterly club magazine, discounts with insurance companies and specialist suppliers,  exclusive, early or discounted access to a number of events each year and much more!

  • Available Subscriptions

  • Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club

    Heritage logo

    The Committee would like to congratulate Heritage Insurance on their 60th Anniversary in 2025

    The aim of the club is to help and support members during the build (and inevitable ongoing maintenance and modification) as well as to plan and organise events throughout the year. The Club attends the major kit car shows throughout the year providing a stand with tea and coffee, plus a BBQ with food for members. You'll be warmly received, especially if you bring more food and drink !! We also have stands at many other shows all around the country.

    It's not just shows though, our active area secretaries and members regularly arrange run outs and longer trips to such places as Le Mans, Wales and Scotland, plus the annual club camping weekend and the traditional “end of season” get together. Keep an eye on the events section of the forum for news and details of upcoming events.

    The Club also produces four magazines a year, exclusively for club members, filled with all manner of things club or motoring related, and members can get their own articles published in it as well if they wish.

    The Club is an independent organisation, and although we have our roots as the Robin Hood Owners Club and Register (RHOCaR), we are very much a club for all makes and model of kit car, so anyone can be a "Hoody", as it's all about the state of mind, not the car you drive! Being a member of The UK Kit Car Club has many benefits above those already mentioned. Members benefit from discounted insurance with nearly all of the specialist kit car insurers, and often find that the discount is more than the club membership fee. Membership also gets you full access to the forum, and a variety of other discounts such as with Euro Car Parts. You'll also find other members are willing to go well above and beyond for any other member they see is in need of help !

    So whether you own a Robin Hood, a GBS Zero, a Locost, an MK, a Westfield, a Caterham, (or any of the many other types of kit car), everyone can benefit from joining, so what are you waiting for ?

    Daily Image

    Thames Valley Area January Meeting

    chris n
    By chris n,

    Wednesday 14th January

    Thames Valley Monthly meeting



    The Lambert Arms

    London Road

    Aston Rowant



    OX49 5SB


    Just off Junction 6 of the M40


    8 pm start


    All welcome, directions available

    Barkston Heath 18th July 2009

    Guest John Walton
    By Guest John Walton,

    UPDATED 15th July @13:20




    £55 for the first driver and £40 for second drivers


    Cheques to be made payable to RHOCAR as normal.

    Cheques to be posted to;


    Mr J P Walton

    80 London Road

    Long Sutton

    Lincs PE12 9ED


    Cheques to be in my sticky little paw by no later than 16th May


    There is method in the madness of picking this date;

    It gives those on the main list chance to get there cheques off and ensure they have a place.

    It also gives those on the reserve list time to get organised and know if they have a place or not.


    Any one whose cheque has not been received by 16th May will be moved from the main list and be replaced by drivers on the reserve list.


    The list for Barkston is now full. Given that people on the main list often cant make it I will be running a reserve list for those interested.


    This post will continue to be updated as more information becomes available


    18th July 2009


    This date has been chosen as it is after LeMan and well before any other large show event or school holidays. So, your excuses for staying away are limited. :yahoo:

    It is also the only track event the club is planning this year, so lets make it a fun weekend with goods numbers attending.


    Here we go again for RHOCAR's yearly loonfest at Barkston Heath.


    For those that have not been before.................why not? :nea:


    For those that have been...you can tell those that have not just how much fun it is possible to have with your clothes on :lol:


    Cost, required numbers for car and clothing required to follow but it is highly likely to follow the same format as previous years.


    The day will be run at as close to cost as possible. So, we are given a price by the RAFMSA and this is then divided by a minimum of 30 drivers. This number enables the club to keep the costs for drivers down and still pay our bills.


    For those that don't know.

    Barkston Heath is a sprint track operated by the Royal Air Force Motorsports Association.

    It is located 5 miles form Grantham In Lincolnshire.

    It is located 15 miles from Sleaford in Lincolnshire.


    The track has an excellent surface and safety is covered by two dedicated emergency vehicles supplied and crewed by the RAFMSA's own Motorsport Medical and Recovery/Rescue crews.


    If any of you have been to Curburough, this place is 10 times better.


    Kit List

    1 x seviceable motor car, it does not need to taxed, MOT'd or SVA, but must be suitable for use ie, it should be able to pass an MOT. Use common sense. ie if your head pokes above the roll bar it will not be ideal shouls something orrible appens!!


    1 x crash helmet, full face prefered. It does not have to be race spec' Lidls and the like do helmets very cheap, presuming of course you have a cheap head.


    1 x pair of overalls. These do not have to be race spec' but they do as a mimimum have to be 100% cotton, clean and serviceable. Welders overals are good for this, or follow the link for a real value for money pair.


    HT Hughes Overalls

    HT Hughes 100% Cotton Overalls Race Stylie

    Gloves and shoes are up to you, they are not on the list of requirements.


    You will also need numbers on each side or your car.

    These will need to be 9" in height. Print them on your PC at home.

    Gaffer/Electrical tape to make up numbers is no longer to be used. Apart from attaching the numbers.



    Camping can be found at Woodland Waters camp site, 1 mile from Barkston Heath. Good camp site, proper toilets and showers + a bar and resteraunt on site, good food and beer at reasonable prices.

    Woodland Waters Camping


    Petrol Staion 500 yards from Woodland Waters. Ask Barry Lilles the way (yep, same gag at Mr Liles expense again)


    The 'Bristol Massive'

    The hardy souls normally camp on the Friday night for there 'pre-race preperations'.

    It is a damn good social evening, beer and a bit of a BBQ and baiting.

    Note Barry 'The Hedge' Lilles not to be allowed to drink is now allowed to drink again due to no hedge or ditch visits in May.


    Due to insurance and that is a track day, timing is not allowed.

    However, you will be marked for style

    Due to the methods involved and the technical limitations of the equipment, your 'style' points can only be represented in minutes, seconds and tenths.

    You will need those 9" numbers to be identified.


    This will be a top day out, camp on the Friday evening to make it even better, using traditional Hoody logic, we dont care what you drive but have a sense of humour and bring some beer and food on Friday night.


    Book Today, do not delay


    We need 35 drivers per event to do this at a cheap as chips price for our members.

    If we get 35 drivers per event the cost per driver is around the £55 mark with second drivers at £40

    Bring the wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/son/daughter/mate along as a second driver.


    The fewer drivers we get, the more it is going to cost those going, simple really.


    Any problems or queries contact me.


    So, initially, let shave a show of hands to gauge the interest and I will take it from there. :p




    1 Michael York PAID

    2 Steve Gresty PAID

    3 Nigel Thurston PAID

    4 Pete Sanderson PAID

    5 Michael Sanderson PAID

    6 Dave Rose PAID

    7 Marcus Curran PAID

    8 Carl Bettinson PAIDbrian housley

    9 Sean Egan PAID

    10 Robin Sanderson PAID

    11 Charlie Mathers PAID

    12 Rob West PAID

    13 Paul Carter PAID

    14 Brian Housley (2nd driver for Carl Bettison) PAID

    15 James Warner PAID

    16 Alan Day PAID

    17 Barrie Liles PAID

    18 Matt Wingrave PAID

    19 Steve Ling PAID

    20 Richard Hanks PAID

    21 Pete Spiller (2nd driver for Richard Hanks) PAID

    22 Andy Rowles PAID

    23 Mike Bloomfield PAID

    24 Tim Clarke PAID

    25 Sunny Elsden POD

    26 Tom Hayden PAID

    27 Peter Shemilt (2nd driver for Tom Hayden) PAID

    28 Malcolm MathewStewart Mathews PAID

    29 Stewart Mathews (2nd driver for Malcolm Mathews) PAID

    30 Tony Kitchener PAID

    31 Steve Foster PAID

    32 Dan Elliot PAID

    33 Henry Ready PAID

    34 Dan Beeston PAID

    35 Matt Gee (2nd driver for Robin Sanderson PAID

    36 Andy Elliot (2nd driver for Dan Elliot) PAID

    37 James Kitchener (2nd driver for Tony Kitchener) PAID

    Reserve List











    Leicestershire Area Meet

    By philshelton,

    First meet of the year Wednesday 28th Jan at the The Waterside inn, Sileby Road, Mountsorrel, Leics. LE12 7BB any one welcome. Also thinking of having a meet on 2nd sunday of the month this may be held at different locations each month let me know what you all think.

    E-mail Remind - Service Re-launch

    By Mat-Moo,

    Some of you maybe aware that from many moons ago I launched a small web service called "E-Mail Remind", which delivers free reminders of any events to you via email. Well at long last the service has had a total makeover and is now looking 100x better and has even more options and bits. Registration and service is free of charge, but we would like to encourage you to look at our gifts section! Buying any items via our affiliates pays us a small commission % and we need to boost this right up in order to make the service pay for itself.


    Wilts, Avon, Somerset & S.glocs

    Guest Ace Fettler
    By Guest Ace Fettler,

    Greetings everybody,


    As is now our tradition, the February meet will be in the form of a lunch on Sunday 8th Feb. Unfortunatley our usual venue (The Wheatsheaf at Winterbourne) seems to have shut up shop and is therfore unavailable so I have had to hunt out an alternative. Consequently The Squire Inn on Chipping Sodbury high street (www.thesquireinn.co.uk/index.html) has stepped into the breach and I have made a booking for a table for 12 at 13:00hrs. This number can be adjusted up or down as demand dictates. So, names and numbers to me please by no later than the 5th Feb so I can let them have final numbers.

    Leicestershire And Surrounding Areas

    By philshelton,




    Trip to and meet up with Herts/essex Rhocar Sg7s at lower Stondon Transport Museum it boasts the largest private collection of vehicles in England.

    the Museum is located Station Road, Lower Stondon, Henlow, Beds. SG16 6JNa About 75 miles south of Leicester, it's £6 admission well worth it and there's a nice cafe.


    we are meeting up at services on the A6 just outside market harborough LE16 7TG ( Mcdonalds and premier inn) at 8.30am to leave by 9.00am about 1 hour 30 min drive down to museum. look forward to seeing you all welcome hoods and tin tops.


    please let me know if you are coming will send you pm with contact number.



    Phil Shelton

    Email Issues

    By Mat-Moo,

    I've been trying got get some information to my email account on RHOCaR and I've had some issues. I've now realised that my MX records (for the techies) was incorrect so email could not come in form every source. This should now be corrected and sorry if you could not email us or any RHOCaR email address.

    Southern Hoods Next Meet

    Guest charlie
    By Guest charlie,

    The SOUTHERN HOODS will meet on Tues next 10 th Feb at the usual place. the Sir John Barlycorn Junction 1 M27

    Cadnam, hope to have the proposed activities schedule for this year ready and a couple of ideas for a "sunday"run.

    any help and suggestions welcome. as is anyone interested in kit cars and petrol head activities.

    see you there at approx 7.30 pm


    Thames Valley Monthly Meeting

    chris n
    By chris n,

    Hopefully the weather will have sorted itself out by Wednesday so we should be ok!


    Wednesday 11th February

    Thames Valley Monthly meeting



    The Lambert Arms

    London Road

    Aston Rowant



    OX49 5SB


    Just off Junction 6 of the M40


    8 pm start


    All welcome, directions available

    What Was Wales Weekend

    By Mitch,

    Hi All

    For all you who dont know about this event which i usally organise for the northwest lot, for the past 5 years we have used a hostle in North Wales, but i feel we have "discovered" all the roads and places to visit so needed a new Venue,

    this one i central for expoloring both the lakes or, north Yorkshire, and im sure what ever the weather, we can find lots of roads an places to discover., below is the mail sent to all the usual peeps who attend, but due to the size of the new venue, there added places for other members, this will be posted on the website to, and places are limited so will have to be fist come first served,

    If you need more info on the event, or place please mail me, .


    Ive been out today looking for a alternative to the Wales weekend,

    Place i found is slightly larger to the usual place, so more can come, but we are limited to how many ladies can come due to layout of the place,


    Ive found a place nr Ingleton on the A65 about 6-8 miles north of Skipton, this would give use loads of alternative roads to discover,

    but its not a comfortable as the boulder adventures,


    prices are good, at about £13 each for beds in bunk house (think pontins chalets with bunk beds and your not far away) dry clean an each room with its own ensuite

    Rooms are either 4 or 6 beds, both with mircrowave, toaster and kettle, the larger 6 beds have full kitchen,


    Food is available onsite, mains from £8,00, packed lunch £5, breakfast is £6,50, three course from £15, we could do this on the sat night if all agree,


    there is also a bar on site, not sure if we have meals, if we all need to but can look into that when i know whos interested.


    link to there website




    Please let me know who's interested ASAP, dates are 15-16may, other dates are already booked so we need to move quickly to secure enough space


    Space IS LIMITED so first come first served,



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