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  • Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club

    Don't be shy! Join in the fun by registering to post on the forum, and to get full benefits you can buy 12 months club membership for just £20!  Membership includes a quarterly club magazine, discounts with insurance companies and specialist suppliers,  exclusive, early or discounted access to a number of events each year and much more!

  • Available Subscriptions

  • Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club

    Heritage logo

    The Committee would like to congratulate Heritage Insurance on their 60th Anniversary in 2025

    The aim of the club is to help and support members during the build (and inevitable ongoing maintenance and modification) as well as to plan and organise events throughout the year. The Club attends the major kit car shows throughout the year providing a stand with tea and coffee, plus a BBQ with food for members. You'll be warmly received, especially if you bring more food and drink !! We also have stands at many other shows all around the country.

    It's not just shows though, our active area secretaries and members regularly arrange run outs and longer trips to such places as Le Mans, Wales and Scotland, plus the annual club camping weekend and the traditional “end of season” get together. Keep an eye on the events section of the forum for news and details of upcoming events.

    The Club also produces four magazines a year, exclusively for club members, filled with all manner of things club or motoring related, and members can get their own articles published in it as well if they wish.

    The Club is an independent organisation, and although we have our roots as the Robin Hood Owners Club and Register (RHOCaR), we are very much a club for all makes and model of kit car, so anyone can be a "Hoody", as it's all about the state of mind, not the car you drive! Being a member of The UK Kit Car Club has many benefits above those already mentioned. Members benefit from discounted insurance with nearly all of the specialist kit car insurers, and often find that the discount is more than the club membership fee. Membership also gets you full access to the forum, and a variety of other discounts such as with Euro Car Parts. You'll also find other members are willing to go well above and beyond for any other member they see is in need of help !

    So whether you own a Robin Hood, a GBS Zero, a Locost, an MK, a Westfield, a Caterham, (or any of the many other types of kit car), everyone can benefit from joining, so what are you waiting for ?

    Daily Image

    East of England Meets for October

    By alanrichey,

    As usual in October we are off to the Corby Glen Sheep Fair  (NG33 4NS - www.sheepfair.co.uk)  this Sunday (9th October).

    For those that have not been before, this is a traditional small village fete with all the usual stalls, entertainment, food and drink, dog show, craft shows, morris dancing, car display.....   and this is the 784th one so they must be doing something right.

    Unlike other shows the organisers are very relaxed about the car display and although the Fair is open from 10:00-16:00 they are happy for us to arrive whenever we like and leave whenever we like.  I normally park up about 09:30 and reserve some spaces (I live only 1 mile away so it isn't difficult).   I 'think' I've sorted out the weather so it should be dry 😀

    We park next to the war memorial at the West end of the villae.  This is the approach route, it's the only bit with a dropped kerb.

    Corby Glen.jpg

    See you there.


    Yorks/Lincs, fka South Yorkshireish Area Meet October

    By Grim,

    October's meet is on Wednesday the 5th at:

    Monk's Bridge Farm
    Nobel Way,
    S25 3QB
    Coming eastbound from the M1 J31, take a left at the roundabout by the red lion and proceed for nearly 2 miles, and Monk's bridge is the 4th exit off the next roundabout.

    Normal time is 7:30.

    Please post if you plan to attend,


    Staffs / Central Mids October assorted car meets

    By Andi,

    Here are some assorted car event events for the "getting proper chilly month of October"


    Sunday October 2nd Autumn Classic Vehicle Rally at Blythe Bridge



    Sunday October 9th Minis and Milkshakes Sandon Hall Stafford



    Saturday Sunday 15th and 16th October Historic Rally Festival Weston park



    Sunday October 2nd Clasic Car Show Ruddington Notts




    Lichfield / Midlands Vehicle Wrapping 2 day course

    By Andi,

    I just know some folk will be interested in this.


    mmm wrapping



    North East Area Monthly Meeting

    By alantoon,

    We have changed the day of the meetings to the last Tuesday of the month with effect from the The next meeting which will be on Tuesday 25th of October from 7pm. At the Church Mouse,  Chester le Street DH23RJ as usual. Alan

    Committee Vacancies

    By alanrichey,

    Hopefully it will not have escaped everyone’s notice that at the last AGM we failed to get a volunteer to be the Events Secretary.   This was primarily seen as too large a responsibility for one person so it was agreed we would change the post to be a team leader with other part-time volunteers.   Unfortunately we still don’t have a volunteer to take over.   Also you will all have seen that Neil Hammond intends to stand down as Magazine Editor next year after a few years of filling the post.   So far no-one has come forward to fill that post either.

    If these posts remain unfilled then we will lose our quarterly magazine, something that I believe sets us apart from other clubs, and we won’t be able to have an annual Club Meet, or provide subsidised food and drink at other kit car shows.  That would be a real shame.

    To help, I have written some Terms of Reference for all the posts on the Committee as well as the Area Secretaries.  This will give you an idea of the duties of these posts and the time required.

    So please think seriously about helping the Club by volunteering for one of these posts (and get free membership).

    North East Area Monthly Meeting

    By alantoon,

    Wednesday the 28th of September is the date of our next North East (Northern) meeting at the Church Mouse, Chester Moor, Chester le Street, DH23RJ from around 7pm. We have had a proposal to change the day the meetings are held so anyone with a view on the changes could you attend or contact me with your thoughts before the meeting. 

    Annual national Club meeting Cars at The Farm

    By Kerry,

    I’m the absence of the EOSB we have been invited to Craig Cundy Farm in Huntingdon for our annual event for 2023 Cars on The Farm. 
    The date of the event is 25th -27th August 2023.  
    We have posted this early so everyone can put the dates in their calendar. 
    The event allows people to camp on the farm from Thursday 24th through to Monday 28th should they wish. 
    There will be a charge for people staying over, day visitor entry will be free. 
    A bouncy castle will be provided, and toilets will be provided. 
    We will also look at Clay Pigeon shooting and the speed bingo is always a good laugh. 
    A BBQ will be provided on Saturday evening.  
    The barn will be available to use which can accommodate 100 people which hopefully we can arrange a disco or a band. 
    A run out will take place on Saturday.

    The farm has plenty of space for camping and Caravans with easy access onto the camping area  

    More details will follow shortly. 
    It would be great to see faces old and new. 

    Staffordshire / Central Midlands Area Meet 29/09/2022 New location

    By Andi,

    Hi all,

    Thought I would try a new venue this month at The Greyhound in Yarlet near Stafford and Stone


    To be honest, I will be at the start of my training for the prestigious event they hold there and was hoping others might join / support me. I reckon ill get up to speed in maybe 18 months to 2 years.. Please see link below


    I will be there from 7.30 in the kit (or not if its raining). Everybody is welcome and the food is good.




    West Mids Monthly Meet 28th September 2022

    By richyb66,

    The area meet formerly known as Warks, Worcs and West Midlands.

    Still on the last Wednesday of the month (next Wednesday), same venue and time, 6PM onwards, Malt Shovel Pub, Coventry Road, Nr Stonebridge, Coventry, CV7 7HL

    Entrance to the pub car park is off the A452 Chester Road heading North 50 yards from the island.

    Everyone welcome. See you there.

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