Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club
Don't be shy! Join in the fun by registering to post on the forum, and to get full benefits you can buy 12 months club membership for just £20! Membership includes a quarterly club magazine, discounts with insurance companies and specialist suppliers, exclusive, early or discounted access to a number of events each year and much more!
Available Subscriptions
Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club
The Committee would like to congratulate Heritage Insurance on their 60th Anniversary in 2025
It's not just shows though, our active area secretaries and members regularly arrange run outs and longer trips to such places as Le Mans, Wales and Scotland, plus the annual club camping weekend and the traditional “end of season” get together. Keep an eye on the events section of the forum for news and details of upcoming events.
The Club also produces four magazines a year, exclusively for club members, filled with all manner of things club or motoring related, and members can get their own articles published in it as well if they wish.
The Club is an independent organisation, and although we have our roots as the Robin Hood Owners Club and Register (RHOCaR), we are very much a club for all makes and model of kit car, so anyone can be a "Hoody", as it's all about the state of mind, not the car you drive! Being a member of The UK Kit Car Club has many benefits above those already mentioned. Members benefit from discounted insurance with nearly all of the specialist kit car insurers, and often find that the discount is more than the club membership fee. Membership also gets you full access to the forum, and a variety of other discounts such as with Euro Car Parts. You'll also find other members are willing to go well above and beyond for any other member they see is in need of help !
So whether you own a Robin Hood, a GBS Zero, a Locost, an MK, a Westfield, a Caterham, (or any of the many other types of kit car), everyone can benefit from joining, so what are you waiting for ?
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East of England Meets for January

After a quiet period over Christmas it's time to get out and about again. It's really a case of finding a gap in the poor weather at the moment. So the first meet will be on Wednesday (11th) when it looks OK. It's still a bit cold for our normal al fresco picnic so we have decided to try the Welland Vale Garden Centre at Uppingham (LE15 9EU) (https://www.wellandvale.co.uk/orchard-cafe). We'll be there at 12:00 so anyone is welcome to join us.
I'm aware this won't be ideal for the 'workers' so I will look at doing a weekend one later in the month.
West Mids post-Christmas meal Wed 25th January 2023

It's nearly that time again, the West Mids post Christmas meal which due to circumstances outside our control, last happened in 2019.
The date is Wednesday 25th January 2023.
Same format as previous years and at our usual monthly venue The Malt Shovel Pub, Coventry Road, Nr Stonebridge, Coventry, CV7 7HL
To keep the table bills simple, most people normally opt for the carvery but other options are available:
Meet up from 7PM onwards and aiming to eat around 7-30.
I like to give the pub a rough headcount in about a week's time and then give them a more exact numbers a few days before the event so if interested parties can pencil it in their diary and let me know as soon as possible please.
Everyone welcome (including ladies and kids) and new members (or those thinking of joining) are especially welcome.
Richard and Jackie
Dean and Nicola
Martin and Jeff
Steve, Dee and Paige
Steve, Rebecca, Geoff and Pat
Bob and Di
Dan, Becky and Lily
Andi, Clare and Jasper
Hi all happy new year. I've finally got my Robin Hood super spec on the road .And I'm wondering if anyone has modified the handbrake position as when I'm strapped in I can't reach it. Any diagrams meauserments and parts used would be very useful many thanks
Family Membership

Some time ago, for very good reasons, the concept of a family membership was introduced, so that for an additional £5 a second member of a household could be added. It never really caught on and we had very few takers. So, in the interest of keeping things simple we have decided to discontinue the option. However we haven't forgotten the spouses/partners, some of whom are very keen supporters of the Club, so from now on every membership will be assumed to be a 'household' membership and we will continue to welcome families to all our events.
Stilton Run 2023

Happy New Year to all, hope '23 is all you want and wish for.
Registration for the Stilton Run is now open HERE
Its on 23rd April cost is £12.50 per car no additional charge for passengers. In our case its buy one get one free!!!
If you are going please let me know, reply to this post or PM, and I will arrange a meet up and perhaps lunch as well.
Xmas wishes
Stoneleigh 2023

Hi chaps don’t know if anyone else got the email from the show owners saying stoneleigh is no more. There saying it’s no longer viable and the kit car show will now be a combined show on June 3/4th June at the three counties showground Malvern Worcestershire
newark will still happen on the 22nd / 23rd
Forum Updates

Hi all
I have recently taken over as Club Webmaster and Forum Maintenance. I feel that the current design serves us well as regards the forum posts, messaging system, events calendar and community map, but would welcome any suggestions on how it could be improved. I'm still learning the 'nuts and bolts' of the system so I can't promise anything, but I will listen.
As my first thought, I would like to see more of the information we know is in previous posts easily accessible from the main page rather than having to search for it. So you should now see a new Menu item on the blue banner, called "Useful Sites". If you hover the mouse over it you will see my first attempts at a knowledge base. Not surprisingly I have started a page for the Superspec owners as that is where my expertise lies. I have resurrected the old North West web page that was produced years ago by Tim Stott and contains lots of useful informaton. He has given me permission to update it and link to it from the main page. Finally I have added some build blogs (including mine ) that I know are still current.
So if anyone has any further suggestions for improvements or knows of any other useful blogs, please let me know.
North East Area November Meeting Tuesday 29th from 7pm
This will probably be the last meeting of the year, so looking forward to seeing you all at the Church Mouse, Chester Moor, DH23RJ. Hopefully we might get some dry weather as I hope to give the kit a run out.
West Mids Monthly Meet 30th November 2022

Last Wednesday of the month, 6pm onwards, Malt Shovel Pub, Coventry Road, Nr Stonebridge, Coventry, CV7 7HL.
I'll aim to be there just after 630pm, generally they're trying to kick us out just after 9pm so if you're coming, don't leave it too late. Also, if you want to eat, book beforehand as they don't normally let people just rock up and eat.
Entrance to the pub car park is off the A452 Chester Road heading North 50 yards from the island.
Everyone welcome. See you there.