Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club
Don't be shy! Join in the fun by registering to post on the forum, and to get full benefits you can buy 12 months club membership for just £20! Membership includes a quarterly club magazine, discounts with insurance companies and specialist suppliers, exclusive, early or discounted access to a number of events each year and much more!
Available Subscriptions
Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club
The Committee would like to congratulate Heritage Insurance on their 60th Anniversary in 2025
It's not just shows though, our active area secretaries and members regularly arrange run outs and longer trips to such places as Le Mans, Wales and Scotland, plus the annual club camping weekend and the traditional “end of season” get together. Keep an eye on the events section of the forum for news and details of upcoming events.
The Club also produces four magazines a year, exclusively for club members, filled with all manner of things club or motoring related, and members can get their own articles published in it as well if they wish.
The Club is an independent organisation, and although we have our roots as the Robin Hood Owners Club and Register (RHOCaR), we are very much a club for all makes and model of kit car, so anyone can be a "Hoody", as it's all about the state of mind, not the car you drive! Being a member of The UK Kit Car Club has many benefits above those already mentioned. Members benefit from discounted insurance with nearly all of the specialist kit car insurers, and often find that the discount is more than the club membership fee. Membership also gets you full access to the forum, and a variety of other discounts such as with Euro Car Parts. You'll also find other members are willing to go well above and beyond for any other member they see is in need of help !
So whether you own a Robin Hood, a GBS Zero, a Locost, an MK, a Westfield, a Caterham, (or any of the many other types of kit car), everyone can benefit from joining, so what are you waiting for ?
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East of England Meets for May

After an enjoyable Stilton Cheese Run last Sunday it's time to look ahead. The weather next week looks good so we are going to meet up for lunch at one of our usual cafes, the Harvest Barn near Peterborough (PE7 3DR). Timing is 12:00 on Thursday 4th May. I will have to book a table, so if anyone outside of the East England area wishes to come please let me know
Devon road trip

Just back from a short road trip to Devon - details in my blog, if you're interested:
Club Constitution and Rules

Club Constitution and Rules
1. Name: The name of the Club shall be “The UK Kit Car Club”
2. Aims and objectives: The aims and objectives of the Club, which opposes all forms of discrimination, shall be:
2.1. To support and promote the ownership of all kit cars.
2.2. To maintain a register of owner members.
2.3. To arrange local and national events for members.
3. Management:
3.1. The Club shall be managed by a Management Committee of fully paid up members consisting of at least three persons who will perform duties of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and any other duties the Management Committee may determine from time to time.
3.2. At a Management Committee meeting, a quorum may be formed by attendance of at least half of the current committee members and voting shall be by simple majority, with a minimum of three votes required in order to determine Club action. If the result of any quorum vote is a deadlock, the matter shall be referred to the full committee to be voted on.
3.3. Nominations for the Management Committee shall be invited annually from members and will be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Each nomination must be properly proposed and seconded by two fully paid up members. Nominations may be made by either:
3.3(a) Completion of the proposal form included in the issue of the Club magazine published prior to the AGM, or posted on the Club forum. This must be posted to the Secretary no later than 21 days prior to the AGM, (date of postage taken by the date of the franking mark on the envelope).
3.3(b) Electronically, following guidelines posted on the Club website prior to the AGM and must be received no later than 14 days prior to the AGM.
Nominations for the Management Committee shall only be accepted at the AGM if no written nominations have been received by the due date.
3.4. All Management Committee members may seek re-election at the AGM. However, this does not guarantee that they will retain their role and other members may seek election to any position, either vacant or currently occupied.
3.5. The Management Committee shall have the right to remove from office any official who in the opinion of the majority of the Management Committee are prejudicial to the best interests of The Club or by whose actions fails to carry out his/her duties to a satisfactory standard. In the event of such a removal, the Management Committee shall have the power to appoint a member to fulfil the vacated duties until the next AGM. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called to fill a vacancy only if the Management Committee considers that serious organisational or financial difficulties need to be urgently and formally resolved.
3.6. Area Secretaries shall be responsible for the members in a given geographical area.
3.7. Nominations for Area Secretary must be made to the Chairman and will be appointed by a majority vote of the Management Committee.
3.7(a) Area Secretaries shall not retire annually but shall continue in office until notice of intended retirement is given to the Chairman or are removed from office by the Management Committee.
3.7(b) The constitution and organisation of areas shall be determined by the Membership Secretary, subject to agreement of the Management Committee.
3.8. In the case of any Management Committee vote that results in no majority, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in order to prevent a deadlock.
3.9. Should any member of the Management Committee no longer be able to fulfil their duties for whatever reason, the remaining members of the Management Committee must, within 14 days, appoint an “acting” member to replace them until the next AGM. This may be an existing member of the Management Committee, or, another fully paid up member of the Club.
4. Financial Management:
4.1 The Treasurer shall maintain a bank account in the name of the UK Kit Car Club and is responsible for the credit of all subscriptions into this account.
4.2. At least two signatories shall be required to withdraw funds from the account, be it cash, cheque, or electronic transfer. In the case of electronic transfers where physical signatures are not required, two signatories must confirm in writing that the transfer is approved by them, and these authorisations are to be attached to the records of the transaction. The signatories shall be determined by the Chairman and Secretary.
4.3. The bank account shall be maintained in credit at all times. The Management committee are not empowered to borrow monies in the name of the Club.
4.4 The Treasurer shall maintain simple accounts for the Club, which shall be audited annually by either an external third party, or a Club member who is not a member of the Management Committee, and presented at the AGM for approval. The auditor is to be selected by the Treasurer and approved by majority vote of the Management Committee.
4.5 A financial statement shall be provided to all fully paid up members as soon after the AGM as possible. This will normally be published in the first magazine following the AGM or posted on the Club forum.
5. Membership:
5.1. Membership is open to anyone aged eighteen years or over.
5.2. A person may become a member by making an application. The membership will be deemed to apply to any members of the same household.
5.3. All applications shall be considered by the Management Committee who shall have the power to accept or reject the same without assigning a reason.
5.4. There shall be an interval of two days between a person’s application and admission to full membership.
5.5. Fully paid up members may bring guests to Club events, subject to the approval of the Management Committee, local Area Secretary or Event Secretary.
5.6. In the event that the Management Committee has reason to consider withdrawing membership from a person the Secretary shall give two weeks notice to that person inviting them to comment on the matter. The Management Committee may suspend membership until this has taken place. The Management Committee decision is final.
6. Subscriptions:
6. 1. The subscription amount for the Club shall be determined by the Management Committee.
6.2. The annual renewal subscription date will be set by the original date of application.
6.3 Any member not paying their renewal subscription within thirty days of renewal date will cease to be a member until such time as the subscription is paid. Membership will not be granted retrospectively for late renewal and anyone obtaining a reduction in their insurance premium due to their membership of the Club should ensure there is no break in their membership as the validity of the insurance could be affected.
7. AGM:
7.1 Where possible the AGM shall be held annually.
7.2. Notice of the time and place of the AGM shall be notified to all fully paid up members by the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the event. This will usually be notified in the magazine or on the forum.
7.3. At the AGM at least five fully paid up members shall constitute a quorum.
7. 4. Voting will be by simple majority, All fully paid up member votes carry equal rights.
7.5 The Chairman shall preside at the AGM. In the event that the Chairman is not present, the Secretary shall take the Chair. In the event that neither the Chairman or Secretary are to be present, the Management Committee shall appoint a member of the outgoing Management Committee to chair the AGM.
7.6 The outgoing Secretary, or another Club member as appointed by the Management Committee prior to the AGM, shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the AGM.
8. EGM:
8.1 Any fully paid up member is entitled to request an EGM if they feel that this would serve the best interest of the Club. However before doing so, the member should obtain the written support of at least five fully paid up members and allow at least two weeks for the Management Committee to organise the meeting. The venue shall be determined by the Management Committee.
8.2. The Management Committee members can call an EGM at any time if it considered that this would serve the best interest of the Club.
8.3. At an EGM at least five fully paid up members shall constitute a quorum.
9. Communication: Communication to members will be by way of the magazine, the website and through Area Secretaries.
10. Events: The Management Committee, the Events Secretary or Area Secretaries may arrange events in the name of the Club. Any other member wishing to arrange an event in the name of the Club must obtain prior approval from the Management Committee.
11. Expenses and honorarium:
11.1 The Management Committee and Area Secretaries acting on behalf of the Club in their capacities as elected/delegated officials shall be indemnified by the Club for all losses and proper expenses in the bona-fide execution of their duties other than those costs incurred by their own wilful neglect or default.
11.2 All requests for expenses incurred by the Management Committee or Area Secretaries will be subject to approval and sign off by the Chairman and at least two other members of the Management Committee.
11.3 All requests for expenses incurred by the Chairman will be subject to approval by the Secretary and at least two other members of the Management Committee.
11.4. The Management Committee and Area Secretaries will have their subscriptions paid by the Club as an honourarium. They shall be considered as fully paid up members for the purposes of the rules.
11.5 Any other honorarium paid to Club officials will be subject to agreement of the members at the AGM.
11.6 From time to time, it may be considered appropriate for members of the Management Committee to operate a float of Club funds for their general expenses in undertaking their role on the committee. The amount of float, and the members of the Management Committee with authority to operate a float, will be approved by majority vote of the Management Committee.
11.7 Authority to operate a float will not automatically pass from a member of the Management Committee stepping down to the new member of the Management Committee undertaking the role that was previously approved to operate a float. As such, approval will be deemed to be for the individual and not the role.
12. Indemnification of the Club and officials:
12.1 Members shall accept that they participate in all Club events entirely at their own risk and should ensure they are adequately insured.
12.2 The Club and its officials do not accept any responsibility for loss, damages, bodily injury or death, however caused, at any Club event.
12.3 Any member bringing a guest to a Club event shall make that guest aware of the rules and will be subject to those rules.
12.4 Club carries Public Liability insurance for some events attended and organised by the Club, details of which events and the level of cover are available by request in writing to the Secretary.
13. Amendments to the rules: The Club rules shall only be changed at the AGM, or by consultation of the entire membership through a postal vote. A simple majority is required to amend a rule.
14. Procedures for winding-up; In the event of Club being dissolved, all such properties of Club, after payment of outstanding obligations, shall be distributed in such manner as a final EGM or AGM in its absolute discretion shall determine.
15. Maintenance of members' details:
15.1 In order to maintain efficient records of members’ details it is dependent on keeping this information on a computerised database.
15.2 This information shall be used for the management of the Club only.
15.3 Membership of the Club signifies agreement to maintaining computer records.
15.4 Addresses of members may be released to third parties for the purpose of delivering to members communications from the Management Committee and copies of the Club Magazine.
16. Sale of Club assets:
16.1 From time to time, and at the discretion of the Management Committee, items owned by the Club may be sold.
16.2 Club assets that are identified as being suitable for sale will be offered for sale via the For Sale section of the Club forum.
16.3 The sale of Club assets via the Club forum will be exempt from Rule 7 of that forum, which states that an asking price must be provided.
16.4 In lieu of an asking price, offers will be invited and must be sent via PM to the committee member that lists the item for sale.
16.5 The item will remain for sale for exactly 14 days from the time the initial for sale post is made. At the end of the 14 days, the highest offer shall be accepted and the item sold to that member.
16.6 All items will be sold as collection only from the location stated in the advertisement, unless otherwise stated in the advertisement. In which case postage and packaging shall be charged at cost price in addition to the agreed purchase price.
16.7 All funds raised from the sale of club assets will be reinvested into running of the Club, and credited to the Club bank account.
North East Area April Meeting Tuesday 25th from 7pm
The meeting is at the Church Mouse, Chester Moor DH23RJ, I will be in the kit if it survives this weekends tour of the Borders
West Mids Monthly Meet 26th April 2023

Next Wednesday 26th, 6pm onwards, Malt Shovel Pub, Coventry Road, Nr Stonebridge, Coventry, CV7 7HL.
I'll aim to be there just after 630pm, hopefully in the kit. Generally they're trying to kick us out just after 930pm so if you're coming, don't leave it too late. Also, if you want to eat, book beforehand as they don't normally let people just rock up and eat.
Entrance to the pub car park is off the A452 Chester Road heading North 50 yards from the island.
Everyone welcome. See you there.
Berkshire Car Show - July 2nd

Anyone interested in attending this show?
Looks pretty small so I'm not expecting wonders but could be a fun day out and one of the few weekends I've got free.
If a few of us are interested, I'll request a club stand. It's all for charity so the only entry fee is a voluntary donation.
Please let me know if you're interested...
National Kit Car Show, Malvern 3/4 June 2023

The organisers of the show (https://nationalkitcarshow.co.uk/) have released the maps for the events, a general overview and a detailed one showing allocation of Club stands, copies attached. We have been allocated Slots D4 & D5. I'll post more details as they become available.
Hope to see you all there.
Malvern Kit Car General Site Plan.pdf Malvern Kit Car 2023 Club Site Plan.pdf
leicester monthly meet

this months meet will be held at the bulls head A47 desford cross roads on th 19/4/23 at 7.30pm hope to see somebody there
East of England Meets for April

A new month and what looks like much better weather than we had for March. We have the Stilton Cheese Run on 23rd April to look forward to but let's kick off with a meet next week.
Present plan is to visit the Mulberry Cafe at the Bosworth's Garden Centre at Elton (PE8 6SH) on Wednesday (5th) at 12:30.
I'll be booking a table so if anyone from outide our area wants to join us then let me know,
West Mids Monthly Meet 29th March 2023

Next Wednesday 29th, 6pm onwards, Malt Shovel Pub, Coventry Road, Nr Stonebridge, Coventry, CV7 7HL.
I'll aim to be there just after 630pm, hopefully in the kit which hasn't been out since maybe October. Generally they're trying to kick us out just after 930pm so if you're coming, don't leave it too late. Also, if you want to eat, book beforehand as they don't normally let people just rock up and eat.
Entrance to the pub car park is off the A452 Chester Road heading North 50 yards from the island.
Everyone welcome. See you there.