Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club
Don't be shy! Join in the fun by registering to post on the forum, and to get full benefits you can buy 12 months club membership for just £20! Membership includes a quarterly club magazine, discounts with insurance companies and specialist suppliers, exclusive, early or discounted access to a number of events each year and much more!
Available Subscriptions
Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club
The Committee would like to congratulate Heritage Insurance on their 60th Anniversary in 2025
It's not just shows though, our active area secretaries and members regularly arrange run outs and longer trips to such places as Le Mans, Wales and Scotland, plus the annual club camping weekend and the traditional “end of season” get together. Keep an eye on the events section of the forum for news and details of upcoming events.
The Club also produces four magazines a year, exclusively for club members, filled with all manner of things club or motoring related, and members can get their own articles published in it as well if they wish.
The Club is an independent organisation, and although we have our roots as the Robin Hood Owners Club and Register (RHOCaR), we are very much a club for all makes and model of kit car, so anyone can be a "Hoody", as it's all about the state of mind, not the car you drive! Being a member of The UK Kit Car Club has many benefits above those already mentioned. Members benefit from discounted insurance with nearly all of the specialist kit car insurers, and often find that the discount is more than the club membership fee. Membership also gets you full access to the forum, and a variety of other discounts such as with Euro Car Parts. You'll also find other members are willing to go well above and beyond for any other member they see is in need of help !
So whether you own a Robin Hood, a GBS Zero, a Locost, an MK, a Westfield, a Caterham, (or any of the many other types of kit car), everyone can benefit from joining, so what are you waiting for ?
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Lincolnshire Meetings For June

Hi all
I know we are only half way through May but I thought I would give everyone a 'heads-up' for June for your diaries.
On Saturday 13th June, Richard (richard7), Mick & Stella (mowerman) and I will probably again attend the "HorsePower at the Hall" meet (https://www.facebook.com/horsepoweratthehall, I see we are still their cover photo ) at Doddington Hall near Lincoln, from 09:00 to 12:00. Even with the rain there were still about 100 cars turned out at the May meet, so if the weather if half way decent there should be a much better turnout. A great chance for catching up with everyone, in a petrol-head environment, with a pub lunch afterwards for those interested.
On Sunday 21st there is the annual Castle Bytham Midsummer Fair (http://www.midsummerfair.co.uk/). We had 9 cars there last year and I know everyone who went enjoyed it. It is a 'classic' village show (stalls, classic cars, BBQ, duck race, beer tent, morris dancers, BBMF flypast......). The organisers have said we are welcome to come back, and as the theme this year is the 60s, it is appropriate that they display lots of Lotus 7 lookalikes. Please let me know if you are interested so I can give them a rough idea of numbers.
Still looking for a good weekend for a picnic meet up at Rutland Water
Shackerstone Family Festival

Another family venue if anybody was interested:
Sussex Meet Up?

Hello all
Anyone know if any members in Sussex (East and West, Brighton too!) are active and/or link into any other areas. I know the Surrey area rep is vacant at the mo - makes most sense to buddy up here.
I am based just outside Chichester and i am in the process of building my 2B Sliding Pillar.
Let me know your thoughts????
Leicester Area Meet

are we meeting at the garden centre at market harborough
Warks / Worcs / West Mids Monthly Meet Wed 27Th May 2015

Next Wednesday, 27th May, 7pm onwards, Malt Shovel Pub, Coventry Road, Nr Stonebridge, Coventry, CV7 7HL
Entrance to pub car park is off the A452 Chester Road heading North 50 yards from the island.
See you there!
Leics Run Out This Monday?

Maybe just doing this by myself as I havnt gauged any interest yet.
But I need to try out my mapping software and make more use of the kit.
I`ll be starting off by the A47 near Collyweston and doing an 80 ish mile round route, finishing off at the ever so secret
ex cold war nuclear base.
If anyone can make it ill be at the starting point for 10.30 am
North East Area Meeting
Is any-one else going to the meeting at the The Church Mouse Chester le Street, DH2 3RJ on Wednesday? I will be there about 8pm,hope to see you there. Alan
Coventry Motofest 2015 (Info And Directions)

From the organizer........
Here are the final confirmation details for your club stand at Coventry MotoFest 2015. We are expecting you on both Saturday 30th May and Sunday 31st May, with approx 30 cars. There is no set time
that cars have to be "on stand" but before 10am would be preferrable before the city centre gets too busy with shoppers and MotoFest visitors.
Your club stand is on grass area on Little Park Street just past the main classic car parking entrance at Salt Lane. Use postcode CV1 2JZ to get you into Little Park Street. As you approach
the pedestrian crossing the club stand is on your right hand side. Cars will need to drive up to the pedestrian crossing and turn right on to the pavement (using the pedestrian crossing to access the
pavement). As cars drive on to the pavement, the grass area is directly in front (see attached photo). Keep the pedestrian crossing area clear as another club will be using it to access their club space
on the nearby. Please manoeuvre slowly and with hazards on until stationary on the grass. Park up on as much of grass area to create a super club display.
Please ensure that club members bring driptrays if they are aware of any fluid drips.
Mark Rowland is the MotoFest Club liaison officer for the weekend. His mobile number for the MotoFest weekend is 07917817025. Failing that my number is 07891456538. Mark aims to get around all the clubs
early on Saturday & Sunday to hand out MotoFest event guides and vehicle display passes which need to displayed in cars.
MotoFest classic car parade lap - we aim to close motoring activities on both days at 5pm with a mass parade on the ring road of owner and club cars that are on display in the city. Each car will need to
clearly display the vehicle pass to allow access to the parade lap. Details of where to head for will be printed on the display pass. After the parade lap, cars will disperse to go home etc.
If cars need to leave early , that is fine.
The event guide & map is available to download on the website at https://coventrymotofest.com/weekend
There is also a handy route guide which gives the easiest routes to get over the ring road into the city centre - whilst the ring road is closed, most of the junctions remain open to allow cars to get
in. https://coventrymotofest.com/sites/default/files/motofest_2015_route_info_v1.pdf
Thanks to the Club for supporting Coventry MotoFest and have a good time! If you have an questions, just email me at displays@coventrymotofest.com
Matt Phillips
Displays Director
Coventry MotoFest
Blyton Park Track Day

Well, its fast approaching the big 5...0 for me.
So SWMBO asked what I wanted. After picking myself up off the floor when I mentioned something about a 30 yr old blonde....
She agreed to buy me a track day............. :yahoo:
So just seeing if any one wants to join in the fun and join me at Blyton, giving the newly charged beast some proper welly... before the divorce proceedings begin....
:rofl: Only kidding
Sunday July 5th. Open pit lane, full circuit
Catch me if you can