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  • Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club

    Don't be shy! Join in the fun by registering to post on the forum, and to get full benefits you can buy 12 months club membership for just £20!  Membership includes a quarterly club magazine, discounts with insurance companies and specialist suppliers,  exclusive, early or discounted access to a number of events each year and much more!

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  • Welcome to The UK Kit Car Club

    Heritage logo

    The Committee would like to congratulate Heritage Insurance on their 60th Anniversary in 2025

    The aim of the club is to help and support members during the build (and inevitable ongoing maintenance and modification) as well as to plan and organise events throughout the year. The Club attends the major kit car shows throughout the year providing a stand with tea and coffee, plus a BBQ with food for members. You'll be warmly received, especially if you bring more food and drink !! We also have stands at many other shows all around the country.

    It's not just shows though, our active area secretaries and members regularly arrange run outs and longer trips to such places as Le Mans, Wales and Scotland, plus the annual club camping weekend and the traditional “end of season” get together. Keep an eye on the events section of the forum for news and details of upcoming events.

    The Club also produces four magazines a year, exclusively for club members, filled with all manner of things club or motoring related, and members can get their own articles published in it as well if they wish.

    The Club is an independent organisation, and although we have our roots as the Robin Hood Owners Club and Register (RHOCaR), we are very much a club for all makes and model of kit car, so anyone can be a "Hoody", as it's all about the state of mind, not the car you drive! Being a member of The UK Kit Car Club has many benefits above those already mentioned. Members benefit from discounted insurance with nearly all of the specialist kit car insurers, and often find that the discount is more than the club membership fee. Membership also gets you full access to the forum, and a variety of other discounts such as with Euro Car Parts. You'll also find other members are willing to go well above and beyond for any other member they see is in need of help !

    So whether you own a Robin Hood, a GBS Zero, a Locost, an MK, a Westfield, a Caterham, (or any of the many other types of kit car), everyone can benefit from joining, so what are you waiting for ?

    Daily Image

    South Yorkshire Area Meet 13th May

    By biksz,

    Is there a meet this Wednesday if not what about next week?

    The Charity Classic 2015 July 12Th 2015

    Dave R
    By Dave R,


    i have 20 or so tickets to this charity event

    we have been here before and it is a good day out





    the tickets will get you in for 8 or 10 pounds depending on if you have a passenger or not



    1st come 1st served 8)

    Hants & Dorset Bbq

    By fry61,

    Once again folks, its time for our annual BBQ on our patch ( Nick thinks its called Hampshire )


    Date is set for Friday/Sat/Sunday the 26/27/28th June & format will be similar to the previous 5 years.


    Arrive when-ever on Friday ( if you can ) pitch camp -- pub meal in evening -- back home for drinks & natter around the fire.


    Saturday - several tours round local villages with guest passengers -- cold buffet lunch ( veggies too ) -- make something from rubbish & sail/float/fly your creation.

    Saturday evening BBQ for all plus music , drinks & natter.


    Sunday - breakfast for all cooked on the coals outside -- wander round in circles -- pack up & go home when-ever.


    You provide the alcohol -- we provide the food ( with help from our friends )


    SUNSHINE has been booked -- don't let it go to waste.

    Monthly Meet

    By fry61,

    Very busy month for us --- we only have Tuesday the 12th & 19th open for an evening meet & no week-ends at all that are not already filled. Sorry.


    If any other members of our band would like to suggest & run a meet please shout.

    Moira Canal Festival Swadlincote, Leicestershire

    Dean Roberts
    By Dean Roberts,

    Is anybody in the Midlands going to this event?


    If the weather is kind, then it could be a good day out on Saturday and the the hosts have offered a select area to show off the cars.

    But this looks a very small (new) charity event on the 16th May.


    Andi posted the event here: http://www.rhocar.org/index.php?showtopic=41771


    But more info is here:


    Official website: http://www.moiracanalfestival.co.uk/home

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moiracanalfestival?fref=ts

    Maps: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Moira,+Swadlincote,+Leicestershire+DE12+6AT/@52.7331271,-1.5359677,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x4879fe567a946513:0xe5169d649c689254


    Any feedback appreciated as Nikki has emailed them and the hosts would like to know numbers (if there is any interest).

    GBS Open Weekend

    By Derek,

    GBS have invited our members to their open day on Saturday 6th June between 10am - 3pm at the GBS factory Maun Way, Broughton, Ollerton, Nottinghamshire. NG22 9ZD.


    The same weekend they are holding a track day at Blyton Park.


    Details at www.greatbritishsportscars.co.uk.

    Basingstoke Festival Of Transport

    By fry61,

    Basingstoke Festival of Transport is on tomorrow at the War Memorial Park , Basingstoke, 11am to 4pm. Short notice I know but info may be of use to members close by.

    Stamford Car Show 2015

    By alanrichey,

    The Stamford Car Show for 2015 is being held on 30th August. Last year this was a very good show and much appreciated by those that attended. But a few people missed out by not registering before the cutoff date. So if you think you might want to go this year I suggest you register now at http://www.stamfordroundtable.co.uk/car-show/


    As it is run for charity there is a £5 entry fee for each car on arrival, but It's free to register,so you have nothing to lose by registering now. Unusually the public get in for free so it is always very well attended.


    Please make sure you define your car as a 'Modern Classic' then I'll organise a rendevous point somewhere on the A1 near Stamford so we can arrive in convoy and be parked together.


    I'll try and arrange good weather :)

    North East Area Extra Meeting

    Guest norm
    By Guest norm,

    Extra Meeting North East Area on Thursday the 14 May 2015 at 7.00.pm at The Farmhouse Pub (DL2 1JZ)

    which is on the right a short distance along the A67 (Airport road ) from the junction with the A66 Darlington ring road.



    Hope to see you there.



    Tatton Park August Classic Car Show

    steve in stockport
    By steve in stockport,

    This is a new topic for the August classic car show over the weekend of 22nd and 23rd of August 2015.

    Details are here


    As per previous shows its free entry for exhibiting car, driver and passenger. Camping is £10 for the weekend and there are toilets, showers, beer tent and usually a band or disco in the evening.

    If you want a pass add your name below.

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